DIOWAVE Laser Therapy
Frequently Asked Questions:
How many treatments are needed?
The DIOWAVE Laser Therapy produces results quickly. For most acute conditions 5-6 treatments is all that is needed. Chronic conditions take longer and might require 6-12 treatments. While these are averages, each person is unique and healing time varies by person and condition.
Is DIOWAVE Laser Therapy safe without side effects?
Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) has been in use for over 30 years around the world. There have been almost no side effects reported. Occasionally some old injuries or pain syndromes may feel aggravated for a few days, as the healing response becomes more active after a laser treatment.
How long will the treatment take?
Depending on the condition, treatment times for this drug-free, non-invasive procedure will last on average 5-10 minutes.
Will the treatment hurt?
Most patients notice a warm, often soothing feeling. There is no pain associated with a treatment. Many patients experience pain relief, reduced muscle tension and tightness, reduced inflammation and improved range of motion.
When can normal activity begin again?
The moment a patient leaves the clinic, they may resume normal daily activity.
Will insurance cover treatments?
DIOWAVE Laser Therapy is not covered by most major insurance companies. Our office offers affordable payment options. Patients may submit receipts to their personal insurance plans for reimbursement.
What advantages does DIOWAVE Laser Therapy have over other forms of treatment?
DIOWAVE Laser Therapy does not require the use of drugs or surgery, and there are no dangerous side effects or risks.
Price per session: $55.00
10 Package Discount: $500.00
All appointments for laser therapy are scheduled in our Newtown Square Clinic.
If you have additional questions please email us at newtownsquare.jspt@gmail.com